A downloadable game for Windows

Tropical Gunfight is a 1 vs 1 shooter set on a tropical island.  Shoot with bolt-action rifles and score 3 points to win the game against your opponent! 

Master the unique mechanics and learn to use the environment to your advantage.

The game was developed by a team of 13 students from MediaDesign Hochschule in Munich, Germany.


  • Thora Waldmann: Producer, Head of Design, Graphics Programmer
  • Christian Brückl: Lead Programmer
  • Rebecca Luthe: Lead Artist
  • Luis Wiedenmann: Game/ Level Design
  • Tatiana Krupenina: Game/ Level Design
  • Oliver Ruane: Programmer
  • Fabian Furthmann: Programmer
  • Elena "Zoe" Neubauer: Programmer
  • Porseng Klara Kisa: Artist, Game Design
  • Martina Kobras: Artist
  • Nathalie "Nancy" Dietenberger: Artist, Animation
  • Emily Koitka: Artist, Sound Design
  • Erik Kleint: Artist, Level Design


tropical-gunfight-win.zip 1.1 GB
Version 2 Apr 11, 2022

Install instructions

Tropical Gunfight requires a Steam account to be played. 

Steam must be active before starting Tropical Gunfight. To ensure playing against your friend make sure to check if your Steam download region is set to the same. 

To host an online game, make sure to change the game type to internet.

To host a local game, make sure to change the game type to LAN. 

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